The Top Google Ads Trends for Tradesman in 2022

According to recent reports, Google Ads is expected to grow significantly in the next few years. This trend is being driven by a variety of factors, including the increasing use of mobile devices, the rise of artificial intelligence, and the growing popularity of pay-per-click advertising.

As more and more businesses turn to Google Ads to promote their products and services, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Here are a few key trends to watch out for in the next few years:


1. More businesses will use Google Ads

As mentioned, Google Ads is an extremely effective marketing tool, so it’s no surprise that more businesses are using it. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2022, nearly 60% of businesses will be using Google Ads.

2. Mobile devices will play an even bigger role

Mobile devices are already playing a major role in the Google Ads landscape. Mobile devices accounted for 65% of all Google Ads clicks in 2018. However, it’s estimated that in 2022, mobile ads will make up nearly 70% of all Google Ads spending.

As more and more people use their smartphones and tablets to search the web, it’s important to make sure your Google Ads are optimized for mobile devices. This means creating ads that are clickable and easy to read on small screens.

3. Increased Personalization

Google Ads will continue to get more personalized, serving ads based on users’ individual search histories and interests. This will be especially true as Google continues to collect data from its many products (such as YouTube, Gmail, and Maps).

4. More Location-Specific Targeting

As businesses become more aware of the importance of mobile advertising, they will increasingly target ads to users based on their current location. This will allow businesses to reach potential customers when they’re most likely to make a purchase.

5. Artificial intelligence will become even more important

Artificial intelligence is already playing a major role in Google Ads. Google’s machine learning algorithms are constantly getting better at understanding user intent and delivering relevant results.

In the next few years, AI is expected to become even more important in the Google Ads landscape. Google will continue to invest in AI technology, and this will allow them to deliver even more relevant and targeted ads.

6. Smart bidding strategies

Smart bidding is a great way to optimize your campaigns and get the most out of your budget.

There are a few different types of smart bidding: target CPA, target ROAS, and maximise clicks. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to know which is right for your business.

  • Target CPA is a good option if you want to focus on getting as many conversions as possible. The algorithm will automatically set your bids to try and get you the most conversions at the target cost-per-acquisition you set.
  • Target ROAS is a good option if you want to focus on getting a high return-on-investment from your campaigns. The algorithm will automatically set your bids to try and get you the most ROI from your campaigns.

Test out different bidding strategies and see what works best for your business. Google Ads is constantly changing, so be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies.

7. Video ads will become more popular

Video ads are already popular on Google, but they’re expected to become even more popular in the coming years. This is because video is an engaging and effective way to promote your business.

Video ads are extremely effective, so it’s no surprise that we’re likely to see more businesses using them in 2022. In fact, it’s estimated that video ads will make up nearly 30% of all Google Ads spending by 2022.

8. Local search will become even more important

Local search is a powerful way to reach potential customers who are near your business. In the next few years, local search is expected to become even more important.

This trend is being driven by the growing use of mobile devices. More and more people are using their smartphones to search for businesses near them.


As you can see, there are a number of exciting trends to watch out for in the world of Google Ads. By staying up-to-date on these trends, you’ll be able to create more effective and successful campaigns.

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